Class 9 English JKBOSE Lesson 2 Gulliver in Lilliput- II Answers

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Class 9 English JKBOSE Lesson 2 Gulliver in Lilliput- II Answers

Q 1. Where was Blefuscu situated and what separated it from Lilliput?

Ans: Blefuscu an island, was situated to the north-east of Lilliput and is separated from Lilliput by a channel almost 800 metres wide.

Q 2. Why did Gulliver avoid appearing on the north-east coast of Lilliput?

Ans: Gulliver choose not to be appear on the north-coast of Lilliput as of in case a portion of the enemy should see him as his enemies had no visibility of him.

Q 3. How deep was the channel? What were the devices with which Gulliver armed himself?

Ans: The channel was almost five feet deep in most of the places but nowhere are more than six. He armed himself with best quantity of the hardiest cable and bars of iron.

Q 4. Why did Gulliver seek the advice of the most experienced sailor?

Ans: Because Gulliver was unknowing of the reach of the channel so he looked for the guidance of the most expert sailor.

Q 5. What did the Blefuscan soldiers do while Gulliver was fastening hooks to the warships?

Ans: When Gulliver was attaching hooks to the warships, the men of Blefuscu fired at him several thousand arrows which struck him intense pain.

Q 6. What did Gulliver do to save his eyes?

Ans: Gulliver speedily out his eye-glasses and lay them on in order to save his eyes.

Q 7. Why did the ships not move when Gulliver pulled them?

Ans: The ships not move when Gulliver pulled them as they were all kept a strong hold by their anchors.

Q 8. What did Gulliver do to relieve the pain caused by the arrows?

Ans: In order to relieve the pain which was caused by the arrows, Gulliver simply polished on an ointment that the Lilliputians had already given him.

Q 9. What did the Emperor and his court think on seeing the fleet at a distance?

Ans: When the Emperor and his chambers spotted the fleet at long range, they supposed that Gulliver had been submerged and that the enemy fleet was marching into combat.

Q 10. How did Gulliver show his loyalty to the Emperor?

Ans: Gulliver extended his hand from the water and tears flowed in a powerful voice, “Long live the mightiest Emperor of Lilliput!” in such a way, he presented his loyalty to the Emperor.

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