Class 10 English Jkbose Papapachi's Moth Answers

Kashmiri Students World
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Class 10 English Jkbose Papapachi's Moth Answers

Question 1. Sketch the characters of Pappachi and Mammachi.

Answer. Character Sketch of Pappachi: Pappachi is showcased as a annoyed, jealous, and angry man, hardships with the absence from his position. His honour and uncertainty are noticeable in his care of Mammachi and his passion with his unobserved moth revelation. In spite of his upper status role. He is also strongly influenced by the senses disrespect of not having the moth named after him and dislikes his wife’s newly gained accomplishment.

Character Sketch of Mammachi: Mammachi is a Illustrated with independent woman. Her backbone, confidence even commitment are reflected in her expertise to sustain and assist herself by means of her efforts.

Question 2. 'I never want this to happen again,’ he told his father, ‘Ever’. Who says it and why?

Answer. Chacko says this statement to his father, Pappachi. Chacko takes an action to end to the brutality so this statement shows Chacko’s commit to defend his mother and turn down Pappachi’s toxic actions.

Question 3. Ammu told the twins that Mammachi was crying more because she was used to him than because she loved him’. In the light of the statement of Mammachi’s daughter, comment on the relationship between Mammachi and Pappachi.

Answer. The relationship between Mammachi and Pappachi seems to be based prolonged familiarity instead of a profound emotional attachment. Mammachi’s crying shows the termination of lifestyle instead of a true emotional loss, pointing out the emotional detachment also defeatism in their relationship's bond.

Question 4. How does Mammachi stand out as an independent and resilient woman in the text?

Answer. Mammachi highlights personal freedom and endurance reflected in her booming pickle-making business. Her proficiency to establish a flourishing business from her capacity, run it responsibility also maintain her honour hardships highlight her power and courage.

Question 5. Pick out the elements of irony in the lesson.

Answer. Following are the elements of irony in the lesson of 'The Pappachi Moth'.

I. Irony of position or rank and lack of assurance.

ii. Irony of self determination.

iii. Irony of righteousness anger.

Question 6. Identify instances of humor in the story.

Answer. (a) Pappachi’s dress design.

(b) Pappachi’s reclining chair.

(c) The Last irony in the story is Pickle Business.

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