Answer: From an early age, Mother Theresa committed her life in relation to the development of the poor and those facing hardship of the community. She didn’t have any material property and engaged to the mission of the poor which is why she was exceptional or we can say extraordinary.
Difficult Words
Exceptional: means ' unique' or 'superb'.
Question 2. Why did Mother Theresa leave St. Mary High school?
Answer: Because it was a day when Mother Theresa heard a strange voice as if from the God and asked her to serve people. So it was the time when Mother Theresa changed her own life completely.
Difficult Words: No
Question 3. What did Mother Theresa mean by ‘to fail would be to break faith’?
Answer: On the second time, when Mother Theresa heard a strange voice, informing with her that as of now she must leave the convent and support those in need by simply living with them. Not only this, she also assumed in the God and couldn’t ignore it.
Difficult Words
Assumed: means ' supposed'.
Question 4. What kind of life did Mother Theresa lead?
Answer: Mother Theresa live a very basic straightforward life. When it comes an about her dress sense, she often dressed in a cotton blue with bordered white sari and this reflected her simplicity.
Difficult Words
Straightforward: means ' easy' or 'clear'
Question 5. Why do you think Mother Theresa learnt Bengali?
Answer: When comes the Bengali as a language she learnt it in order to communicate and assist in a better way to the people whom she had come to serve in life.
Difficult Words: No
Question 6. What did Malcolm Muggeridge see on the streets of Calcutta?
Answer: Malcolm Muggeridge while walking through a street of Kolkata, saw a vey little figure in a deprived area, tending the sores on the person barely alive man without the smallest trace of displeasure at the putrid scent. He found it hard to believe that a human being could seem very cheerful while performing such a off-putting task.
Difficult Words
Deprived area: means ' marginalized area'.
Tending: means 'caring'.
Displeased: means 'unhappy'.
Off-putting task: means' disagreeable' or 'deterrent'.
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