Class 9 Motion jkbose Question 1 and 2 Answers | Class 9 Physics Jkbose Motion Solution

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You are at the right place because here you get simple answer of these questions.

Question 1. An
 object has moved through a distance. Can it have zero displacement? If yes, support your answer with an example.

Answer. Yes, an object can have zero displacement. For example, if a person explores the park and pauses at a spot from the point he began after that here displacement or respositing will be zero. This is because of final position one is same as the first position one.

Difficult Word:
Respositing= means 're- circulating again'

Question 2. A farmer moves along the boundary of a square field of side 10 m in 40 s. What will be the magnitude of displacement of the farmer at the end of 2 minutes 20 seconds from his initial position?

Which of the following is true for displacement?
(a) It cannot be zero.
(b) Its magnitude is greater than the distance travelled by the object.


The total number of meter or perimeter= 40 (4×10)
Time given for 1 round which is = 40 seconds
The total number of rounds completed which is = 140/40 = 3.5 ( total time which is 2 minutes and 20 seconds, in seconds it will be 120 seconds + 20 seconds= 140)

 Displacement = Diagonal 

10√2 = 14.14 meter.

Hence, the magnitude will be of displacement will be 14.14.

Ist statement (a) = False

2nd statement (b) = False

Difficult Word: No

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